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Caleb Campbell

Caleb Campbell has been a pastor at Desert Springs Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona, since 2006 and lead pastor since 2015. He is a doctoral student at Fuller Theological Seminary and serves as the regional director for the Surge Network. Today, we’re talking to him about a passion of his that syncs with this season. Caleb has just released a book called Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor, that addresses the whole issue of Christian nationalism. But listen! He does so from the perspective of a missionary and pastor. It is a compassionate look at part of our culture that needs the tender care of Jesus. I’ll tell you now that parts of this conversation may rattle your worldview, but I’m asking you to listen all the way through and consider how God might have you rethink your response to those with whom you disagree in this election season.

Carolyn Moore

I follow Jesus.

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