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Chris Backert

Chris Backert has a passion for creating and supporting new ways of doing Christian community. You know him by his influence over several significant movements. He serves as the national

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Matt Scott

Matt Scott is the founding pastor of the Gathering Place in Moody, Alabama. Since it began in 2011, The Gathering Place Church has grown to average more than 1500 people

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Jorge Acevedo

Jorge Acevedo is a true elder in the church — a man of God who has poured in faithfully for more than two decades to a local faith community (Grace

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Bob Beckwith

The word that immediately comes to mind when talking to Bob Beckwith is fruitfulness. Bob has served as the director of the UGA Wesley Foundation since 1999. His story is

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Helen Musick

Dr. Helen Musick has served the Kingdom of God as a pastor, seminary professor, leader of a successful recovery ministry, and a featured speaker and leader. In this conversation, she

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J. D. Walt

J.D. is an author, speaker, thought-leader, and is the “Sower-in-Chief” at Seedbed (and New Room). Formerly the Dean of Chapel at Asbury Theological Seminary, J.D. founded Seedbed in 2012 to

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Cheryl Bridges Johns

This conversation with Cheryl Bridges Johns is rich and deep. If you haven’t found her already, you need to listen. Dr. Johns serves in the Robert E. Fisher Chair of

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Peter Bellini

Welcome to our first episode! Dr. Bellini often says: “Pentecostals don’t have a copyright on the Holy Spirit.” To which we at The Art of Holiness reply, “Amen!” In this

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