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Becky Castle Miller

We have a lot of reasons to love Becky Castle Miller. She is a PhD student in Biblical and Theological Studies at Wheaton College, under the supervision of Esau McCauley (an Anglican priest we follow and love!). She is an adjunct professor at Northern Seminary so hangs out regularly with Scot McKnight (who we also love!). She regularly quotes Pete Scazzero (we love his work), and Alison Cook (whose work is admirable). And!… Becky is diving deep into the whole area of Jesus and the Spirit-led emotional life, and what she has to say on this subject is just fascinating and oh-so helpful. May this conversation inspire you toward emotional wholeness and deeper intimacy with God.

Carolyn Moore

I follow Jesus.

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Holiness is at least this: a design of life that exposes us most fully to the heart of a good, loving and creative God.