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Steve Seamands

This is another great conversation with Dr. Steve Seamands, who is one of our favorite people in the world. Dr. Seamands served as the Professor of Basic Christian Doctrine at Asbury Seminary for close to 40 years. In addition to that class, he taught Introduction to Spiritual Warfare, Introduction to Healing Prayer, and a class studying the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. So Steve knows healing! He has authored several books, including Wounds That Heal and Ministry in the Image of God (a Christianity Today book award winner), and his new book, Follow the Healer: Biblical and Theological Foundations for Healing Ministry (Zondervan, 2023) is maybe his best yet. He takes us “under the hood” of healing ministry and helps us understand the theory behind the practice. I (Carolyn) am so excited about this book, because it roots the charismatic work of healing solidly in the Wesleyan tradition.

Carolyn Moore

I follow Jesus.

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