An invitation into the wild
Can you even begin to imagine what it must have been like when the Spirit of the Lord passed through Egypt and in every house someone died? Can you imagine
Can you even begin to imagine what it must have been like when the Spirit of the Lord passed through Egypt and in every house someone died? Can you imagine
Ghosting is a thing. Though the term wasn’t around in my dating days, the concept certainly was. Ghosting is the word for what happens when the person you’ve been seeing
When Jesus talks, every word matters. When his subject is prayer, every word chosen becomes a text book for showing us how to talk to God. Listen with fresh ears
Lazarus has just died. This is a blow to everyone in Jesus’ circle. This is someone they all loved. A friend of Jesus. As his sisters, Mary and Martha are
As a pastor, I’ve become interested in the dynamics of conflict. I notice that many of us don’t know how to think maturely through to the other side of difficult
I had the pleasure some time back of being with about 1300 college students for two sessions on healing. Their morning chapel service was a requirement so I didn’t expect
I want to ask you to put your hand at the back of your head, where your head meets your neck. That place is the fear center of your brain.
Today, our Mosaic community commits to a new season of ministry together. We want to gift our larger community with a Christ-centered resource that offers healing and wholeness to hurting people,
Since August of last year, some 1,200 clergy and laypersons have become invested in a renewal organization within the United Methodist Church called the Wesleyan Covenant Association. The WCA garnered
Malcolm Gladwell has written a book called Blink, about the thousand decisions we make every day in the smallest slices of time — choices we make in split-seconds during a
“God is able to bless you abundantly so that …” – 2 Corinthians 9:8 Let’s start with a Kingdom definition of abundance. Paul tells the Corinthians that God is able
If all eternity hangs in the balance, why faith? Let’s be real here. Faith doesn’t seem like the most efficient way to get a human race on board. Why doesn’t God